Byzantine Art

Byzantine Art

Between Emperor Constantine I Am Edict at 313, Realizing Christianity as the official religion, and Also the fall of Rome in the hands of the Visigoths at 476, Agreements were made to Split the Roman Empire to a Western half  and a Eastern half .

Therefore, while Western Christendom dropped to the cultural abyss of this barbarian Dark Ages, its own spiritual, royal and artistic values were preserved by its own Eastern funds in Byzantium. Together with Imperial’s transport ability to Byzantium went tens of thousands of Roman and Greek painters and painters, who proceeded to make a pair of icons and Eastern Christian images, known as Art.

Exclusively worried about Christian artwork , though originated from forms and techniques of Greek and Egyptian artwork , this design spread to all corners of the Portuguese empire, in which Orthodox Christianity prospered.

The design that characterized Byzantine art was almost completely concerned with spiritual expression; especially using the translation of civilization theology into artistic conditions. Byzantine Architecture and painting remained anonymous and uniform and developed inside a rigid heritage. The end result was a elegance of style equalled in art.
