Month: July 2019

Defining the Elements of Art Through Photography

The components of design and art would be the instruments of visual artists. The fundamentals of design and art show the way the artist uses these tools to make visual art. By implementing the fundamentals of design and art, photographers can produce a cohesive picture grounded in the foundations of the art concept. Let us…

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Posted in Art

Museums: The Advantage of Surveillance Camera

The museum collects the world’s most precious collections. Monitoring these activities is a necessity and an arduous task. The work is always the main purpose of the thief. A sophisticated video surveillance system protects the art collection of art from theft. Read here about the CCTV surveillance camera museum and its advantages. Surveillance in Museums…

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Posted in Art

The Art of Animation

The world of animation is such a wonder and amazement to everyone especially to little kids who have as much wide imagination and storytelling skills. The animation is a gateway for the birth of all ideas and imaginative stories that are too wonderful to stay stagnant and untold. Creating animations are the golden outputs of…

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How 3D Printing is Changing Contemporary Art?

Today, seems that nothing’s impossible with science and technology. In the past few years, the emergence of new art media has been staggering and it was embraced by contemporary arts. On the other hand, the birth of 3D printers as well as 3D printed art has resulted to a massive debate that could be summed…

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